Monday 4 June, 2007


Flowers in their fall
If I could fall like them
I’d fall
One thousand petals of pink delight
Down on a five-minute long painting
Of a dark, naked, dirty children filled street
I'll fall

The gush-sigh filled moments of a day, everyday. It’s a brimful to laugh with those children throwing flowers at each other. One little boy wore a fountain-ponytail, he squealed at me when I tugged his hair. He squealed n ran away, my heartache!!!

These moments….a painting.
No one will buy it, no wall will wear it, no one’ll ever again see it
But when I smile again tomorrow
It’ll be because the flowers moved me today

Sometimes it feels…I don’t catch up with life simply because I refuse to stand still.
Refuse to stand still and watch the flowers play with the children
Stand still and laugh with them in their dance
Stand still and be a part of the painting
Scratched in the breeze, brushed in the air, sketched in sudden streets
No one will buy it, no wall will wear it, no one’ll ever again see it
When I smile again tomorrow
It will be because of this moment today